Tentang Film After School Horror 2:

Judul film After School Horror 2
Tahun rilis 2017
Direktur Nayato Fio Nuala
Genre Kengerian
Aktor [‘Michelle Joan’, ‘Cassandra Lee’, ‘Devin Putra’, ‘Randy Martin’, ‘Amara Sophie’, ‘Yoriko Angeline’, ‘Maura Gabrielle’, ‘Indah Nic’, ‘Citra Hikmah’, ‘Tirta Chan’, ‘Savira Aulia’, ‘Nurlina Evawati’, ‘Abbi Ibrahim’, ‘Aliyah Faizah’, ‘Agung Puncak’]
Sinopsis Film  


Bagaimana cara menonton After School Horror 2 ?

The film After School Horror 2 is available on major online streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney, HBO etc. You should be able to find the movie After School Horror 2 on YouTube as well.


