Tentang Film Forgotten Rules:

Judul film Forgotten Rules
Tahun rilis 1990
Direktur H. Tjut Djalil
Genre Komedi
Aktor [‘Eva Arnaz’, ‘Diding Boneng’, ‘Rini S. Bono’, ‘Illa Doth’, ‘Nanang Durachman’, ‘Yenny Farida’, ‘Fortunella’, ‘Intan Fully’, ‘Emri Margono’, ‘Leo Adi Slamet’, ‘Henky Solaiman’, ‘Heru Sutanto’, ‘Dono Warkop’, ‘Indro Warkop’, ‘Kasino Warkop’]
Sinopsis Film  


Bagaimana cara menonton Forgotten Rules ?

The film Forgotten Rules is available on major online streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney, HBO etc. You should be able to find the movie Forgotten Rules on YouTube as well.


