Tentang Film Lost in Love:

Judul film Lost in Love
Tahun rilis 2008
Direktur Rachmania Arunita
Genre Drama
Aktor [‘Pevita Pearce’, ‘Richard Kevin’, ‘Arifin Putra’, ‘Adrian Subono’, ‘Chrisye Subono’, ‘George Rudy’, ‘Barry Prima’, ‘Florence Quartenoud’, ‘Arinda Gita’, ‘Rebecca Marder’, ‘John Paval’, nan, nan, nan, nan]
Sinopsis Film  

Sekuel dari film 2003 “Eiffel I’m In Love”.


Bagaimana cara menonton Lost in Love ?

The film Lost in Love is available on major online streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney, HBO etc. You should be able to find the movie Lost in Love on YouTube as well.


