Tentang Film Nyi Blorong:

Judul film Nyi Blorong
Tahun rilis 1982
Direktur Sisworo Gautama Putra
Genre Fantasi
Aktor [‘Suzzanna’, ‘Ratno Timoer’, ‘Barry Prima’, ‘Nena Rosier’, ‘George Rudy’, ‘Dorman Borisman’, ‘Ade Irawan’, ‘Ruth Pelupessi’, ‘Emawati Siregur’, ‘H.I.M. Damsyik’, ‘Doddy Sukma’, ‘Djair’, ‘Bokir’, ‘Mak Siti’, ‘Youstine Rais’]
Sinopsis Film  

Putri Ratu Laut Selatan bangkit untuk mengambil kekasih manusia.


Bagaimana cara menonton Nyi Blorong ?

The film Nyi Blorong is available on major online streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney, HBO etc. You should be able to find the movie Nyi Blorong on YouTube as well.


