Tentang Film Rafathar:

Judul film Rafathar
Tahun rilis 2017
Direktur Bounty Umbara
Genre Petualangan
Aktor [‘Verdi Solaiman’, ‘Rafathar Malik Ahmad’, ‘Raffi Ahmad’, ‘Ence Bagus’, ‘Babe Cabita’, ‘Nur Fazura’, ‘Agus Kuncoro’, ‘Fred Neust’, ‘Nagita Slavina’, ‘Henky Solaiman’, ‘Arie K. Untung’, nan, nan, nan, nan]
Sinopsis Film  

Dua pria mencoba menculik bayi laki -laki keluarga kaya yang memiliki kekuatan super bernama Rafathar.


Bagaimana cara menonton Rafathar ?

The film Rafathar is available on major online streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney, HBO etc. You should be able to find the movie Rafathar on YouTube as well.


